Padel Coach A-course (English)
The course Padel Coach A is specifically meant for experienced padel players who want to improve their own skills and have the ambition to help players at a recreational and a beginning performance level to get on with their game. Leading experts contribute to this course that is approved by NOC*NSF.
The course consists of the following subjects:
- General padel knowledge
- Technique and tactics
- Pedagogy (how to coach)
- Methodology (how to coach)
- Biomechanics and motor learning
- Safety (first aid, CPR, knowledge of materials)
- Juniors
Safety and juniors are new subjects that help to better prepare future coaches for their jobs. First aid and CPR are a big plus to ensure the safety of your players. With proper knowledge of materials you can provide your players with advice to avoid injuries and to ensure safety. Besides, we expect padel to keep growing and we expect more juniors to start playing. Out on the courts coaches look for more information on how to coach juniors and KNLTB wants the course to keep track with the growth of padel.
More information on the course
The course itself is 16 days. On these days the course hours are from 9 am to 3 pm, exclusive of the exam day and any re-examination. You will need an additional 64 hours for home-study and you will have to complete an internship of 60 hours. The price of the full course is € 1,875, consisting of € 1,620 for education (course days with study coach and course materials) and € 255 for the examination (practical examination and preparation of the exam assignment).
STAP-budget: this year (2023/2024) KNLTB will not facilitate the course with a STAP-budget.
N.B.: you can only participate in the skills demonstration day and the course if your are an active KNLTB-member.
Start new course
The courses start in February and September. The skills demonstration day for this course will be in November and June. The location will be determined as soon as we know who are interested in taking the course.
Skills demonstration day
On the skills demonstration day we will observe your own skills and your experience on court. We also provide more information on the course trajectory and your role as a coach.
The skills demonstration day will take 2.5 hours:
- 1 hour of active playing;
- 1 hour skills on court;
- 0.5 hours for information on the course trajectory.
If you are interested in the course and demonstration day, please contact The course in Dutch, but we have documentation in English available.